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25.- 30.9.2007 Ma Prem Sugandho - Alchymie 3.čakry : Proměna sily versus pravdivá pevnost a svoboda

Ma Prem Sugandho - Alchymie 3.čakry : Proměna Text programu se překládá a bude uveřejněn .kurz je zajišten s překladem.
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25.- 28.September 2007 Alchemy of the 3rd Chakra:Transforming Power -power strategies versus true strength and freedom =======================================
This group is an intensive exploration into the strategies of the ego’s drive for "power" - the desire to dominate or the fear of being in one’s power; competing in the hierarchy of social status or blaming and judging others playing "power games”.

What is a "power game”?

Lies, betrayals, manipulations, etc. all these are strategies, power games. Meaning, we are using lies or manipulation strategies to reach our goal, rather than being straight forward with our truth and saying what we really want or don’t want.

Why are we using "power games”?

Deep down we are afraid and shaky. We are afraid of maybe not deserving what we want. We are afraid and we don’t want others to know about it. Rather than being an individual, having our own opinion, we adjust to the opinion of others. That way we avoid any conflict or the possibility of not being loved or liked.

We may even use our weaknesses to make others help us. We may act so helpless, that the other has almost no choice. He has to help us. How can you not help a person who is helpless? In fact, the one who is acting helpless is violating others. He is forcing others to help him.

In this workshop we consciously enter the world of "power-games". We will live them out and expose our lies, betrayals, manipulations, etc. In the light of our awareness the process of "Inner Alchemy” leads into a deep acceptance of the ‚dark sides‘ of us. At this point transformation happens naturally. We will see that strategies are not true strength and that they are not needed to survive.

This is a group for experienced meditators who are willing to confront themselves with the collective ideas of use and misuse of power on all levels: work, relationship, friendship, parent and child relationship, spirituality etc.
Ma Prem Sugando
Age: 45
Nationality: German

1978-1988 Academic Studies:

Education, Psychology and Sociology in the University of Marburg and Duisburg (Germany) with the degree of Diploma of Education.

Thesis: The Influence of Technological Development on Human Consciousness.

1980-1985 Additional studies:

Alternative methods at the Osho Multiversity, Pune (India): Meditation (Training), Neo-Reichian Breath-work (Training), Bioenergetics, Esoteric Sciences (Training), Reiki (Master Degree)


1988 - 1992 Leading Seminars at the University of Duisburg / Faculty of Education on the following subjects:

* Man and Technology,
* The Influence of Mass-Information Technology on Human Consciousness
* The Development of Gestalt Education
* Theories of Communication

1995 - present Leading Workshops in Germany, Denmark, Greece, Russia, Israel and India on the following topics:

* From Fear to Love
* Melting in Love and Aloneness - Two Dimensions of Relating
* Childhood conditionings
* Transforming Power
* From the Head to the Heart
* Dropping Beliefs
* Women`s topics: Wise Women I - Exploring the female qualities
* Wise Women II - Exploring the male qualities
* Anger contra violence
* Freedom and boundaries: How much freedom can we live? How much boundaries do we need?
v anglickem jazyce s prekladem.
Cena kurzu: 5000,- Kč v medit.hale
5400 Kč ve dvoul. pokoji v dome

Záloha 1400,- Kč do 12.9.06 na č.ú.737794001/2400, e-banka
Místo: meditační dům - Skalka u Doks 22, u Máchova jezera (1,5 km) doprava možná autobusem z Prahy - Holešovic cca 1,5 hod, nebo autem cca 1 hod. (75 km od Prahy, směr Ml. Boleslav po dálnici odbočka na Českou Lípu, v Doksech již odbočka na Skalku u Doks). Přímo v místě pokračujte cestou kolem rybníka asi 300m až k poslednímu domu č.p.22

Strava: 3x denně vegetariánská

Co si přivézt: volné lehké oblečení,dobrou naladu
Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi.

Od 23.8.2007 mi volejte, jsem jen na přijmu nebo pošlete SMS na 606/651 499, nové telefonní číslo !!( do 30.6. 2007 jsem opet v indii a na e-mailu )

Sugando a Unmani


Zveřejněno 14.03.2005 v 18:07 hodin

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